Last updated Dec 24, 2019   with five Newfoundland sequences added Sept 3, 2023

This page will be of interest only to those wishing to know the underlying frequency structure of the system  There is nothing here needed by anyone who simply programs control channel frequencies into a receiver, which is all you really need to do.

This is not an official document. Because it is a Marscan custom built matrix some nomenclature, such as "Sequence" and "frequency block" are entirely arbitrary.

Note:  It is intended that the matrix shown here will have to be scrolled in order to be completely seen.  If you are having trouble doing so, i.e. you cannot see the whole thing, please let me know.  Also there may be comments or information in the description that you may wish to correct or add to.  Please let me know.  When I bring this up on my own computer I can see the whole grid, but there is a glitch in the Frequency 21 column which for some reason shows it wider than it should be.  I am putting this up as is, and will work on that minor problem.

The MTMRS is established within the North American 700 MHz Public Safety Band.   This band has two segments, one from 769 to 775 MHz and a counterpart segment 30 MHz higher from 799 to 805 MHz.    In the context of MTMRS, the lower segment is made up of repeater output frequencies.  The upper segment is made up of input frequencies.  Listeners are generally only concerned with the output frequencies from repeaters, and, with this in mind, only the lower segment is dealt with here.  Note that it is also possible to have simplex and conventional repeater use of this band, but MTMRS does not do this.  All simplex and conventional repeater use associated with MTMRS is on the 800 MHz band.

MTMRS uses practically the whole span of the 769-775 MHz band, but does not use all of the frequencies.   Some are simply not apparently assigned for any use in our area, but additionally there are several frequencies set aside internationally for low power use and for interoperability.  These are not currently used with MTMRS.   Interoperability in this sense means use by members of various different systems who would have some common frequencies and therefore be able to intercommunicate via these frequencies.    Interoperability in our Maritimes context now generally means something a little different, i..e. different users of this one system are able to talk to each other via common talk groups, not common frequencies, which in effect we already have.

With a very few exceptions all sites in the system have at least a Control Channel, an Alternate Control Channel, and two Voice Channels.  The exceptions are a small number of sites in very isolated parts of New Brunswick, and these sites have only the CC, ACC and one dedicated Voice Channel. Voice Channels are sometimes referred to as Voice Paths.  In some contexts the ACC is considered to be a VC, but the default total channels for a standard rural site is four channels.  Each of these channels is carried on a repeater, so it can also be said that each standard site has four repeaters.   Most of the time, perhaps almost all the time, the Control Channel receives and transmits data only.   The Alternate CC is designated to "take over" if the the CC repeater fails, but there have been some cases in the earlier NS TMR1 in which the CC and ACC regularly alternated with each other, without there being any failure involved.   In most cases the ACC is only used for voice if the two designated VC's are busy.   In New Brunswick the ACC is used as a voice channel unless used as the control channel.  In Nova Scotia, the ACC is not normally used as a voice channel.   Note that in the Nova Scotia sites housing a dedicated repeater for use by helicopters, the ACC is used as the day to day CC, with the CC being in effect the ACC for those sites.

Most listeners are only interested in what they can hear on the system, with a few also interested in figuring out which sites they can pick up.   Any scanner capable of tuning the 700 MHz band and trunktracking the system requires only the input of the relevant CC frequency for the site to be monitored. The scanner learns the voice frequencies from the data stream and goes to them automatically.  Many listeners will also input the ACC in case the CC goes down.  Due to this, the other frequencies are generally of no interest to the normal hobbyist.  This also implies that this page and its matrix will be of interest only to those who are interested in the behind-the-scenes structure of the system as I am.

Channels or frequencies in the 700 MHz band as depicted here are 12.5 kHz (0.0125 MHz) apart.  Thus the frequencies progress up the band starting at 769.00625 MHz (Channel 1) as follows:


Note that 769.01875 is 12.5 KHz or 0.0125 MHz higher in frequency.  You would expect that this next frequency would be designated Channel 2 but it is actually called Channel 3.  This is because there is another version of the band plan that has twice as many channels but only 6.25 kHz wide, and in that plan there would be intervening channels that would use the even numbers.   So the yellow block you are looking at shows you Channels 1 to 11 of the 12.5 channel plan.

The first section of the band, shown above, is not actually used in trunking, so here is the lowest part actually used in the MTMRS, these being Channels 13 to 21.  Each of these is used as a CC at various sites in the MTMRS.   For example, 769.08125 is used at Chaswood, New Germany, Fox Island, Caledonia PEI, and Baie-Ste-Anne.  I will for illustration purpose call this the Chaswood Group of sites. Note that the next CC down the chart is 0.0125 MHz higher in frequency.

Chaswood Group of Sites 769.08125
Another Group 769.09375
Another Group 769.10625
Another Group 769.11875
Another Group 769.13125

At any one site the frequencies are 0.2500 MHz apart.  The ACC is therefore 0.2500 MHz UP from the CC, then comes VC1, then VC2.  This is an almost invariable pattern.  It is possible for Bell to use a normally VC frequency as a CC or ACC and conversely the normal CC or ACC frequency be used as a VC but this is either not happening, or is extremely unusual.  I have seen frequency lists showing this at one or two sites, but that is unconfirmed, so I am for now going on the concept that the CC/ACC/VC/VC pattern is universal throughout the MTMRS.
Here is the continuation of the above example, so for example all the sites in the Chaswood group, the top row, use the same four frequencies.

Chaswood Group 769.08125 769.33125 769.58125 769.83125
Another Group 769.09375 769.34375 769.59375 769.84375
Another Group 769.10625 769.35625 769.60625 769.85625
Another Group 769.11875 769.36875 769.61875 769.86875
Another Group 769.13125 769.38125 769.63125 769.88125

If a site is one that requires more voice channels the first few extra ones will also follow on smoothly in this pattern.  Here is the above block expanded:

769.08125 769.33125 769.58125 769.83125 770.08125 770.33125
769.09375 769.34375 769.59375 769.84375 770.09375 770.34375
769.10625 769.35625 769.60625 769.85625 770.10625 770.35625
769.11875 769.36875 769.61875 769.86875 770.11875 770.36875
769.13125 769.38125 769.63125 769.88125 770.13125 770.38125

In this example, none of the Chaswood group, top row, has any extra repeaters at present, but if they did they would almost assuredly use one or both of the two frequencies shown in white. The next group down does have at least one site that has two extra repeaters, and these frequencies are shown in blue to show they are in use somewhere in the system but not at all of the sites in the group.   This second group is made up of the following sites: Amherst, Eaton Lake, Preston, North Side East Bay, Rocky Mountain, Elmira and Lorne.  Of these only the Preston site currently has the extra (blue) frequencies, but in theory the others could in the future have one or both installed. 

The example above shows a maximum of two extra repeaters, but could there be more in the progression?  That depends.   Here is a further expansion of the block shown above:

769.08125 769.33125 769.58125 769.83125 770.08125 770.33125 770.58125 770.83125 771.08125 771.33125
769.09375 769.34375 769.59375 769.84375 770.09375 770.34375 770.59375 770.84375 771.09375 771.34375
769.10625 769.35625 769.60625 769.85625 770.10625 770.35625 770.60625 770.85625 771.10625 771.35625
769.11875 769.36875 769.61875 769.86875 770.11875 770.36875 770.61875 770.86875 771.11875 771.36875
769.13125 769.38125 769.63125 769.88125 770.13125 770.38125 770.63125 770.88125 771.13125 771.38125

You will see immediately that the top row, the Chaswood group, is limited to two extra repeaters, because a whole new repeater group in then next part of the same sequence is in place somewhere in the system, with a CC at 770.58125 MHz.  That appears to be no problem, as no Chaswood group site is even using any extras at all.  But look at the third group down.  This is a group of six sites, with two of them, in Tantallon and Salisbury, using two extra repeaters.  If a third extra was needed, there is no place to go.  Currently in the system there are no frequencies that are used as CC's in a location but used as a VC in another.    Now look at the second group, the Amherst group.  Notice that this row does not have another CC/ACC/VC/VC immediately following, and it would appear that this group could have more extras added in at the right.  On the other hand, we don't really know that.  Maybe 770.59375 is set aside for future sites, or perhaps it is set aside to assign to future other users, completely separate from MTMRS, either somewhere in the Maritimes or in adjacent areas in Maine or Quebec.    In fact in the whole matrix there is at present only one instance where there are three extras in a row, this being at Maritime Centre in downtown Halifax:

773.18125 773.43125 773.68125 773.93125 774.18125 774.43125 774.68125

This does not mean that there could not in the future be more sites with three extra voice channels in a row, or perhaps with even more in a row. but when you look at the complete matrix you will see that there are not many opportunities for that happening due to other groups commencing as was shown above.  

The statement above might imply that the maximum number of repeaters or frequencies at a site is seven, at Maritime Centre, but that is not the case.   There are sites that have more.  In fact Maritime Centre has nine repeaters.    So where are the other two?     Some sites needing extra repeaters have frequencies added that come from different sequences.   Maritime Centre has two of this sort.

In the matrix, frequencies that are used by a site that is otherwise using a different sequence of frequencies are shown in dark blue.   So in our example above, 770.38125 is in darker blue.  This frequency looks like it could be used as the second extra in the fourth group of repeaters.  At present none of them need it, and maybe never will.  So another site has "borrowed" it because the next frequency in that site's normal sequence is not available.   In the example above, 770.38125 is being used by Shubenacadie, which is otherwise on a different frequency sequence.  Note that the green CC 770.63125 and its attendant ACC and two VC's is not the Shubenacadie group, thus the Shubenacadie use of 770.38125 appears to be quite random in nature.   This frequency is not being used anywhere else in the MTMRS.

Just before going to the overall matrix, I do want to point out that there are three otherwise unused frequencies that are assigned to six sites in Nova Scotia, with each of the three frequencies being used at two sites.   These are the special air/ground trunk frequencies.   Originally aircraft were banned from the trunk system due to potential interference issues but reason prevailed and a compromise solution was reached.   When the Nova Scotia DNR and Lifeflight helicopters take off and rise above treetop level, their on-board trunk radios go into a mode that allows them to communicate only via six sites (Rear Big Hill, Nuttby Mountain, Melrose, Musquodoboit Hbr, Blomidon and Caledonia) and only on these 3 channels, with each channel being used at two of the sites.  At these sites their one A/G repeater is available only to the aircraft, and it does not matter what talkgroup is being used.   These three frequencies are marked in the brownish colour. One has to wonder if in the future a aimilar arrangement will be extended into New Brunswick.  Prince Edward Island is already adequately covered via the Nuttby Mtn site, if not others.

1 Out of Band 769.08125 769.33125 769.58125 769.83125 770.08125 770.33125 770.58125 770.83125 771.08125 771.33125 771.58125 771.83125 772.08125 772.33125 772.58125 772.83125 773.08125 773.33125 773.58125 773.83125        
2 Out of Band 769.09375 769.34375 769.59375 769.84375 770.09375 770.34375 770.59375 770.84375 771.09375 771.34375 771.59375 771.84375 772.09375 772.34375 772.59375 772.84375 773.09375 773.34375 773.59375 773.84375 774.09375 774.34375 774.59375 774.84375
3 Out of Band 769.10625 769.35625 769.60625 769.85625 770.10625 770.35625 770.60625 770.85625 771.10625 771.35625 771.60625 771.85625 772.10625 772.35625 772.60625 772.85625 773.10625 773.35625 773.60625 773.85625 774.10625 774.35625 774.60625 774.85625
4 Out of Band 769.11875 769.36875 769.61875 769.86875 770.11875 770.36875 770.61875 770.86875 771.11875 771.36875 771.61875 771.86875 772.11875 772.36875 772.61875 772.86875 773.11875 773.36875 773.61875 773.86875 774.11875 774.36875 774.61875 774.86875
5 Out of Band 769.13125 769.38125 769.63125 769.88125 770.13125 770.38125 770.63125 770.88125 771.13125 771.38125 771.63125 771.88125 772.13125 772.38125 772.63125 772.88125 773.13125 773.38125 773.63125 773.88125 774.13125 774.38125 774.63125 774.88125
6 Out of Band 769.14375 769.39375 769.64375 769.89375 770.14375 770.39375 770.64375 770.89375 771.14375 771.39375 771.64375 771.89375 772.14375 772.39375 772.64375 772.89375 773.14375 773.39375 773.64375 773.89375 774.14375 774.39375 774.64375 774.89375
7 Out of Band 769.15625 769.40625 769.65625 769.90625 770.15625 770.40625 770.65625 770.90625 771.15625 771.40625 771.65625 771.90625 772.15625 772.40625 772.65625 772.90625 773.15625 773.40625 773.65625 773.90625 774.15625 774.40625 774.65625 774.90625
8 Out of Band 769.16875 769.41875 769.66875 769.91875 770.16875 770.41875 770.66875 770.91875 771.16875 771.41875 771.66875 771.91875 772.16875 772.41875 772.66875 772.91875 773.16875 773.41875 773.66875 773.91875 774.16875 774.41875 774.66875 774.91875
9 Out of Band 769.18125 769.43125 769.68125 769.93125 770.18125 770.43125 770.68125 770.93125 771.18125 771.43125 771.68125 771.93125 772.18125 772.43125 772.68125 772.93125 773.18125 773.43125 773.68125 773.93125 774.18125 774.43125 774.68125 774.93125
10 Out of Band 769.19375 769.44375 769.69375 769.94375 770.19375 770.44375 770.69375 770.94375 771.19375 771.44375 771.69375 771.94375 772.19375 772.44375 772.69375 772.94375 773.19375 773.44375 773.69375 773.94375 774.19375 774.44375 774.69375 774.94375
11 Out of Band 769.20625 769.45625 769.70625 769.95625 770.20625 770.45625 770.70625 770.95625 771.20625 771.45625 771.70625 771.95625 772.20625 772.45625 772.70625 772.95625 773.20625 773.45625 773.70625 773.95625 774.20625 774.45625 774.70625 774.95625
12 Out of Band 769.21875 769.46875 769.71875 769.96875 770.21875 770.46875 770.71875 770.96875 771.21875 771.46875 771.71875 771.96875 772.21875 772.46875 772.71875 772.96875 773.21875 773.46875 773.71875 773.96875 774.21875 774.46875 774.71875 774.96875
13 Out of Band 769.23125 769.48125 769.73125 769.98125 770.23125 770.48125 770.73125 770.98125 771.23125 771.48125 771.73125 771.98125 772.23125 772.48125 772.73125 772.98125 773.23125 773.48125 773.73125 773.98125 774.23125 774.48125 774.73125 774.98125
14 Out of Band 769.24375 769.49375 769.74375 769.99375 770.24375 770.49375 770.74375 770.99375 771.24375 771.49375 771.74375 771.99375 772.24375 772.49375 772.74375 772.99375 773.24375 773.49375 773.74375 773.99375 774.24375 774.49375 774.74375 774.99375
15 769.00625 769.25625 769.50625 769.75625 770.00625 770.25625 770.50625 770.75625 771.00625 771.25625 771.50625 771.75625 772.00625 772.25625 772.50625 772.75625 773.00625 773.25625 773.50625 773.75625 774.00625 774.25625 774.50625 774.75625 OUT OF BAND
16 769.01875 769.26875 769.51875 769.76875 770.01875 770.26875 770.51875 770.76875 771.01875 771.26875 771.51875 771.76875 772.01875 772.26875 772.51875 772.76875 773.01875 773.26875 773.51875 773.76875 774.01875 774.26875 774.51875 774.76875 OUT OF BAND
17 769.03125 769.28125 769.53125 769.78125 770.03125 770.28125 770.53125 770.78125 771.03125 771.28125 771.53125 771.78125 772.03125 772.28125 772.53125 772.78125 773.03125 773.28125 773.53125 773.78125 774.03125 774.28125 774.53125 774.78125 OUT OF BAND
18 769.04375 769.29375 769.54375 769.79375 770.04375 770.29375 770.54375 770.79375 771.04375 771.29375 771.54375 771.79375 772.04375 772.29375 772.54375 772.79375 773.04375 773.29375 773.54375 773.79375 774.04375 774.29375 774.54375 774.79375 OUT OF BAND
19 769.05625 769.30625 769.55625 769.80625 770.05625 770.30625 770.55625 770.80625 771.05625 771.30625 771.55625 771.80625 772.05625 772.30625 772.55625 772.80625 773.05625 773.30625 773.55625 773.80625 774.05625 774.30625 774.55625 774.80625 OUT OF BAND
20 769.06875 769.31875 769.56875 769.81875 770.06875 770.31875 770.56875 770.81875 771.06875 771.31875 771.56875 771.81875 772.06875 772.31875 772.56875 772.81875 773.06875 773.31875 773.56875 773.81875 774.06875 774.31875 774.56875 774.81875 OUT OF BAND
    White cells are frequencies not presently used in the MTMRS and not known to be otherwise assigned.  It is possible that these are reserved for other users in our area, or adjacent in Quebec or Maine.                              
    Control Channel frequency.  See below for specific assignments.                                      
    Alternate Control Channel frequency                                          
    Voice channels 1 and 2 (standard number)                                        
    Additional voice channels that follow on in sequence from VC 1 and 2.                                    
    Additional voice channels at a few sites. These are from a different group than the CC/ACC/VC1/VC2                                
    Added sequences in Newfoundland      


    Low Power; not assigned in trunk system.                               Low power not assignable to trunk sites.       
   769.00625 MHZ is Channel 1 in the band plan. Channel #'s ascend by 2's.  Thus 769.01875 is Channel 3.  Even numbers are reserved for subdivisions of these 12.5 MHz channels.                            
  770.96875 Air Ground frequency at Caledonia and Nuttby, used only by DNR and EHS helicopters, which are allowed only on these 3 frequencies at these 6 sites when aloft.                      
  771.46875 Air Ground frequency at Blomidon and Melrose, used only by DNR and EHS helicopters, which are allowed only on these 3 frequencies at these 6 sites when aloft.                      
  773.06875 Air Ground frequency at Rear Big Hill and Musquodoboit Hbr, used only by DNR and EHS helicopters, which are allowed only on these 3 frequencies at these 6 sites when aloft.                    
    Internationally allocated interoperability frequencies.   Used for simplex and for conventional repeaters.  These are not currently in use or installed in MTMRS radios.                      
    All sites with the same CC frequency have at least the first four frequencies in the group, but only one or two will have the additional light blue frequencies in the sequence.                    
  769.08125 Chaswood (11), New Germany (39), Fox Island (57), Caledonia [PEI] (103), Baie-Ste-Anne NB (52)                                
  769.09375 Amherst(4), Eaton Lk (21), Preston (48), NSEB (62), Elmira (100), Lorne NB (71)                                    
  769.10625 Tantallon (43), ME Pubnico(30), Louisbourg (60), Sutherlands Bog (84), Alma (109), Salisbury (39),                                
  769.11875 Airport (12), Kingsburg (37), Tarbotvale (66), Fairmont (81), Mt. Pleasant (107), Riverside-Albert (20), Bettesburg (66)                              
  769.13125 Claremont (3), Wellington, NS (13), Great Hill (34), Fenton (55), SW Margaree (74), Perry Settlement Route 880 (21), Elmtree (59)                            
  769.15625 Sand R (1), Sackville (47), Granite Village (33), Mabou (77), Rawdon (97), Charlottetown (111), Tignish (110), Castaway (55)                            
  769.16875 Shubenacadie (10), Hebbville (36), Lundy (56), Boularderie (65),  Souris (101), O'Leary (108), Doaktown (58), Grove Hill (64), Bathurst (53)                          
  769.18125 Wharton (2), Geizers Hill (45), Dalhousie (20), Kiltarlity (75), River John, Caraquet (30)                                  
  769.25625 Londonderry (7), Barrington (31), Whites Lake (44), Loch Lomond (59), West St. Peters (104), Hardwood Ridge (100), Lavillette (13), St. Martins (40), Atholville (4)                      
  769.26875 Churchill (106), Dickie Mtn/Norton (17), St Leolin (87)                                        
  769.28125 Wentworth (6), Lansdowne (22), Neils Hbr (70), Kingsville (79) Vaughan                                      
  769.29375 Shelburne (32), C Smokey (69), Piedmont (83),Blackville (28), Shemogue (5), Hazel Hill (41)                                  
  769.30625 Pugwash (5), Aldersville (41), Tangier (50), Martinique (58), North Mtn (72), Port Mouton, South St. Norbert (84), St. Isidore (86), Hibernia Heights (88)                        
  769.31875 Wellington PEI (114), Chaplin Island (56)                                          
  770.19375 Tiverton (24), Musquodoboit Hbr (49), Rear Big Hill (67), Baker Lk (26), Coburn (7), Kenneth Mtn (68), Penobsquis (37), Allardville (51, Melrose (36)                        
  770.20625 Nova Scotia Mobile Site (87), Buckleys Mtn (3), Crabbe Mtn (57)                                      
  770.50625 E Kemptville (27), Wakeup Hill (40), Chaplin (52), Dalhousie NB (8), Scotch Mtn (81), Shediac(22), Redmondville (St Margarets) (38)                          
  770.53125 Queensland (42), Cheticamp (73), Brookland (85), Fairfield (60), Lameque (70), Upham (93), Acadieville (50)                               
  770.54375 Mayfield, PEI, Fundy Pk (32), Neguac (14)                                        
  770.55625 Summerville (102), Den Hill (12), Miramichi (16), Moncton (44)                                      
  770.58125 Borden (113), Tracadie (92)                                          
  770.60625 Noel Lake (9), Sellars Brook (38), Lwr Middle R (68), Stanhope (105), Quispamsis (Otty Glen) (101), Seven Mile Ridge (82)                            
  770.63125 Saint John (Cottage Rd) (80), Edmundston (Blanchette Mtn) (102), Oak Hill (75), Stanley (91)                                  
  770.65625 Greenlaw Mtn (6), Mactaquac (35), Veneer Mill (25)                                        
  770.66875 Four Falls (11), Skiff Lake (83)                                          
  771.14375 Kintore (69), St. George (85)                                          
  771.69375 Bethel (27), Durham Bridge (10)                                          
  771.70625 Hilden (8), New Minas (17), Meteghan (26), Caledonia (35), Marion Br (61), Bouctouche (29), Petersville Hill (18), Ste Anne de Madawaska (23), Newburg (74)                      
  771.75625 Morristown (18), Marshalltown (23), Belleville S (29), Glace Bay (64), Nuttby Mtn (86), Jardineville (Richibucto) (19), Riceville (78), Tracey (24), Bristol (2)                        
  771.78125 Ellershouse (14), Corberrie (25),  Ecum Secum (53), Inverness(76), Pleasant Ridge (77), Deersdale (34)                                
  771.85625 Blomidon (16), Hebron (28), Melrose (54), Cape North (71), Whycocomagh (78), Benton Ridge (1), Clair (31), Robinson (79)                            
  772.04375 Dumfries (9), Cameron Mtn (15), Indian Mtn A (67), Maces Bay (72)                                    
  772.05625 Popple Hill (43), St. Stephen (90)                                          
  772.08125 Campobello (54), Oromocto Water Tower (94)                                        
  772.09375 McAdam (73), Parker Ridge (76), St Quentin (89)                                        
  772.11875 Grand Falls (63), Grand Manan (33)                                          
  772.39375 C Clarence (19), Marinette (51), Aulds Cove (80), E Lynn Mtn                                        
  773.03125 Royal Rd (Fredericton) (42)                                          
  773.18125 Martock (15), Maritime Ctr (46), Coxheath (63), Antigonish (82), Harcourt (65)                                    
  774.03125 Gowland Mtn (62)